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BOOK Review: The Guide to Sexual Pleasure by Dr Tlaleng

The Guide to Sexual Pleasure by Dr T is not a book I would typically buy for many reasons. With her being a medical doctor, I immediately assumed it was a medical book riddled with medical jargon and complicated medical processes. Boy, was I wrong about that...

This book is, for all intents and purposes, a medical book, but a medical book that everyone can relate to. She starts off the book by introducing herself, her journey and how she came to be a well-respected doctor focusing on sexual and reproductive health in South Africa. She relates the story back to when she graduated from medical school, working in communities and answering more and more questions about sexual health from people of all ages. She realised during those days that information was limited in the public health system and that people were afraid to ask or speak about sexual health. This piqued her interest, coupled with her desire to help women/people to better understand their bodies and sexual health.

It is easy to read which is great considering that it is a medical book. The book covers sexual health from the female reproductive system, orgasms, birth control and medical conditions including Fibroids and many others. She really made it a point to simplify and explain certain concepts and words. Words that are difficult to pronounce, she made a point to give us the pronunciation of the words before delving deep into the topic. She also covers many sexual related issues and how some medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension would affect sexuality. Being on chronic medication for hypertension myself, I found this rather helpful in understanding certain things about myself in terms of my sexual health. I really liked that this book was not only focused on women's sexual pleasure but also spoke to men and general issues men face with regards to this. For example, it gives a full account of, explanation and description of the "Vagina" including where to locate the clitoris (Men take note!). 

While I found some parts difficult to read,  I found it very informative and educational. The chapters that I couldn't get through were simply because I had no interest in the topic, or that it just did not resonate with me. For instance, reading about diabetes, PCOS and menopause etc. are not topics of interest for me, however, I know that this book will come in handy should I need to read up on these topics. 

My initial thoughts are reading parts of this book was that this would serve as a "Medical book of everything" that my mother has and refers to for every ache on her body. She still makes use of this book years after we introduced her to the internet. I have concluded that this book will serve as my very own "medical book of everything sexual health".  Everyone should have Dr T's book on their shelves. It is the kind of book that I would give my daughter to read about menstruation and contraceptives etc.  I recommended this book to my husband whom I think needs to be informed as a father to a girl. I may not always be around to educate my kids about sexual health, hence I feel it is important for my husband to read this book, educate himself about topics normally reserved for girls and to also encourage y son at some point to read this book.

I got my copy from takealot which took two days to be delivered, however, you're welcome to contact Dr T herself on her twitter page for a signed copy. 

Happy reading!


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