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Showing posts from February, 2020

BOOK Review: The Guide to Sexual Pleasure by Dr Tlaleng

The Guide to Sexual Pleasure by Dr T is not a book I would typically buy for many reasons. With her being a medical doctor, I immediately assumed it was a medical book riddled with medical jargon and complicated medical processes. Boy, was I wrong about that... This book is, for all intents and purposes, a medical book, but a medical book that everyone can relate to. She starts off the book by introducing herself, her journey and how she came to be a well-respected doctor focusing on sexual and reproductive health in South Africa. She relates the story back to when she graduated from medical school, working in communities and answering more and more questions about sexual health from people of all ages. She realised during those days that information was limited in the public health system and that people were afraid to ask or speak about sexual health. This piqued her interest, coupled with her desire to help women/people to better understand their bodies and sexual health. ...